
Meeting in Bogor is Just a Waste President

Oleh Rida Husna/Agus Eko Cahyono pada hari Senin, 23 Peb 2015 - 07:11:04 WIB | 0 Komentar

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President and Vice President Jusuf Kalla Jokowi photographed together 98 mayors throughout Indonesia , after the met in Bogor Palace , West Java , on Friday (19/2/2015) (Sumber foto :

JAKARTA (TEROPONGSENAYAN)-Jokowi's move to holding meetings in Bogor Palace frequently may cause an overlapping of the state budget allocations, possibly leading to the dissipating of state money. 

Based on a research, with the portion for as much as IDR 26.8 billion, the palace in Bogor is never intended to open daily, even to become a place for regular government's meetings. 

"Thus, if the Palace and the State Palace in Jakarta are going to use both, it could be doubling lots," said Executive Director of the Center for Budget Analysis (CBA) Uchok Sky Khadafi to TeropongSenayan on Sunday (22/02/2015). 

For the sake of the state budget, Uchok urged the President setting his agenda in Jakarta. In fact, official expenses for the Jakarta's palace is IDR 70.7 billion, far greater than that of the Bogor's Palace. 

"If the President insists running the Bogor Palace, the fund could swiftly run down. However, if he remains in Jakarta, it preserves the budget for Bogor. It means saving for the state budget might be carried out," he explained. 

Referring to the CBA's study, Uchok revealed, the impact of budget squandering could lead to some inefficiencies, including to ministerial levels. 

He described when a minister commuting to the Bogor Palace, his ride using a Crown Royal Salon sedan needs about 24 liter fuels for taking the 70 km-distance from Jakarta. 

"With Pertamax now is IDR 8.800 a liter, for total 34 ministers, it would cost IDR 7.180.800 just for an assembly in Bogor. 

Besides, he went on, when a meeting held outside Jakarta, every minister then will receive travel expenses in addition to what could be said as representation fund. So for each schedule there, the state has to earmark IDR 23.120.000 only for ministers. 

"Extending the same simulation, thus total cost for a talk (in Bogor) would reach IDR 30 million, " Uchok said. Should there are four gatherings in a month, the misappropriating allocation could hit IDR 121.203.200.(ss)


Rapat di Istana Bogor Justru Pemborosan Anggaran

JAKARTA (TEROPONGSENAYAN)-Kegiatan Presiden Jokowi menggelar rapat di Istana Bogor hanya menimbulkan tumpang tindih anggaran. Bahkan anggaran ganda ini menjurus pada pemborosan uang negara.

Berdasarkan kajian, anggaran Istana Bogor sebesar Rp26,8 miliar. Alokasi anggaran sebesar ini bukan disiapkan untuk membuka kantor atau mengadakan rapat rapat kerja kenegaraan setiap hari.

"Karena itu, kalau anggaran Istana Kepresidenan Bogor dan Jakarta digunakan, maka ini namanya dobel anggaran," kata Direktur eksekutif Center for Bugdet Analysis (CBA) Uchok Sky Khadafi kepada TeropongSenayan di Jakarta, Minggu (22/2/2015).

Demi penghematan anggaran negara, kata Uchok, sebaiknya Presiden Jokowi tetap menggelar rapat kerja di Jakarta. Apalagi anggaran Istana Kepresidenan di Jakarta mencapai Rp70,9 miliar jauh lebih besar ketimbang Istana Bogor.

"Kalau Presiden Jokowi tetap ngotot membuka kantor di Istana Bogor maka alokasi anggaran di sana bisa cepat habis. Sementara kalau tetap di Jakarta, maka alokasi anggaran Istana Bogor, tidak akan terpakai. Jadi ada penghematan anggaran," terangnya.

Dari kajian CBA, lanjut Uchok, dampak pemborosan anggaran ternyata kemana-mana, termasuk menguras dana setiap kementerian. Uchok menggambarkan seorang menteri yang ikut rapat di Istana Bogor akan menghabiskan BBM untuk pulang pergi sebanyak 24 Liter dengan menggunakan mobil Crown Royal Salon. Karena jarak Jakarta-Bogor sekitar 70 Km.

"Dengan harga pertamax Rp8.800/liter, maka 34 menteri akan menghabiskan anggaran sebanyak Rp7.180.800 sekali rapat," paparnya.

Di sisi lain, sambung Uchok, karena rapat tersebut berada di luar kota Jakarta, maka konsekuensinya akan mendapat dana perjalanan dinas dan uang representasi. Jadi negara harus mengeluarkan dana untuk 34 menteri sebanyak Rp23.120.000/sekali rapat.

"Dari simulasi ini, total anggaran yang harus ditanggung negara mencapai sekitar Rp30.000.000/sekali rapat," terang dia. Kalau dalam satu bulan, ada 4 kali rapat, maka pemborosan anggaran itu terjadi sebesar Rp121.203.200. (ss)


tag: #bogor   #jokowi   #uchok  

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